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Our Open Spaces.png

Trails, parks, and native open spaces are enormously important natural resources in San Marcos. In addition to providing health benefits and recreational opportunities, our native lands are home to a variety of local wildlife, whose safety and preservation must always be considered. 

In 2005, Randy was appointed by the San Marcos City Council to the Ridgeline Taskforce, a committee that drafted the city’s first Ridgeline Protection Ordinance. Later codified as the Ridgeline Protection and Management Overlay Zone, this law rejects any development that might impact the natural crest and profile of the primary and secondary ridges around San Marcos unless specific criteria are met.

As Mayor, preserving the remaining native landscapes and expanding our trails and parks will be one of Randy’s highest priorities. It is crucial that future generations enjoy the natural beauty of our city that we all love so much.


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Paid for by Randy Walton for Mayor 2022; FPPC ID 1441996

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